Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I have trouble writing blogs....

Hello again, first of all I am very sorry I have not posted anything recently. That does not mean however, I have not been busy! I am so excited to share what I have been up to the last 5 months, but I have found that I have a really hard time writing a blog. I do not want to be about self promotion, I want to promote the causes I am passionate about, and I pray that I am known more for my faith than my good works. That said, I hope that I can find the words to share with you my experiences and volunteer opportunities in a way that will inspire people to help and "Make a Difference" in their own communities. I will be getting this blog up to date with my current events, pictures, and volunteer opportunities I am involved with. I will be posting every week from now until the pageant to showcase how the Lord is working in my life, humbling me and grounding me as I embark on this pageant journey once again. Thank you all so much for your support and for reading my blog! I hope you will find it to be inspiring and informative.

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